The SUBMISSION window is now CLOSED.
To be notified when the submission window opens in 2025 please submit the below.
We won't sell or use your info for anything else.

Selection Criteria

All creative artists aged 21 and over are welcome to submit. Priority will be given to emerging and mid-career musical theatre artists. We accept submissions from individuals and teams, but only accept one submission per person, so, if you submit a show as an individual, you may not submit another show as part of a group (please communicate with all of your writing teams, as you may be disqualified for multiple submissions).

Unproduced, full length musical theatre works are eligible. Works derived from sources other than the creative team (books, TV, movies, plays, songs) must document appropriate permissions / rights to use any materials not in the public domain. Adaptations will be accepted as long as they have been significantly reimagined in new and exciting ways, however, priority will be given to original works.

What we're looking for:
Shows that embody innovation, creativity and originality. We’re looking for engaging shows that make us think, feel, laugh, gasp, and examine our own humanity.


OCTOBER 7, 2024
SUBMISSION WINDOW OPENS. A maximum of 300 submissions will be accepted OR the window will close on December 13, 2024, whichever comes first.
FEBRUARY 15, 2025
SEMIFINAL round. A maximum of 15% of the total submissions (up to 45) will be selected and will be notified on a rolling basis. Semifinalists will have 72 hours from time of e-mail or phone notification to provide a full libretto (as a .pdf) and links to all musical elements to the selection committee via e-mail or a Dropbox link.
May 15, 2025
FINAL round begins. Finalists will be invited to interview with the selection committee.
June 15, 2025.
Prizewinners will be announced (including a results e-mail to all applicants).
United States citizenship is not a requirement to receive the grant, but you must be eligible to work in the U.S. and reside/work in the U.S. for a majority of any given year. Due to reader and program constraints, we are unable to provide feedback on entries.
There is no fee to apply.


Pipeline utilizes a BLIND submission process. Please remove ALL creative team information from PART 2 BEFORE you submit, including names on recordings, synopses, character breakdowns, title pages, headers, footers, etc. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Part 1
You'll get an e-mail confirmation of Part 1 submission.

Part 2
Submit the following materials:
Libretto Excerpt: Please submit 20- 25 pages (from one continuous section) in .pdf format.
Music Files: Please submit 5 songs that you feel best represent your show. The individual songs are not required to be contained in the submitted portion of the libretto.
Character Breakdown in .pdf format.
Synopsis – 250 words maximum.
You'll get an on-screen confirmation of Part 2 submission that looks like this:

Amber Gray and Katrina Lenk
Amber Gray and Katrina Lenk